
Global Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy

AXIM MICA is committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees and protecting the environment. We will provide safe working conditions for all our employees, contractors, vendors, and customers. We will be good neighbors in our communities by ensuring that our facilities do not pose unreasonable risks, and by participating in community activities related to Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS). We strive to conserve energy, water and raw materials and reduce waste. In all our activities, we will comply with all applicable laws. We will design our products in a manner that eliminates unreasonable risks from their manufacture, use and disposal. We will seek to continuously improve our EHS performance.

AXIM MICA’s leadership team is responsible for implementing this policy and developing and maintaining a system designed to ensure compliance with this policy and all applicable environmental, health and safety laws and regulations. The leadership team shall:

• Make all employees aware of this policy and our commitment to environmental, health and safety excellence, and shall provide leadership regarding this policy.

• Maintain an open communication environment, in which employees feel free to raise EHS issues without fear of retribution, and in which employees feel free to raise employees’ questions and concerns promptly and thoroughly.

• Ensure that managers, supervisors, and employees receive the necessary education and training to understand their EHS responsibilities.

• Hold managers and supervisors accountable for the EHS performance of their facilities and departments.

• Provide the necessary resources and support to achieve these objectives.

Every employee of AXIM MICA is also responsible for complying with this policy. Although management will provide leadership, direction, and resources to support implementation of the policy, compliance with the policy and implementation of its terms is the responsibility of every employee.
Specifically, employees are responsible for:

• Working in accordance with regulations, standards, and procedures and in a manner that eliminates unreasonable risk to others and the environment.

• Notifying management of unsafe conditions or practices, unlawful activities and activities that present unreasonable risk to public health or the environment, and.

• Reporting accidents, occupational illnesses, and safety and environmental incidents to management.

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